
Debunking the Teeth Whitening Myths

A dazzling white smile is something everyone associates with perfect teeth. And why not? It is the first thing that anyone notices. This is the reason tooth whitening is one of the most popular and demanding dental procedures across the globe. However, you might come across some common myths when planning to pay a visit to a dental hospital such as teeth whitening increases sensitivity, one must use stronger teeth whitening agents, home teeth whitening products are risk free. Well, here we will debunk these myths and help you understand how teeth whitening can add sparkle to your smile.

smiline dentals

The increased demand for teeth whitening has attracted people toward rapid solutions available in the market. Using such products without a doctor’s consideration can lead to sensitivity issues and irritation in mouth & gums.

To understand if teeth whitening increases sensitivity, let’s comprehend the underlying process involved. Teeth whitening procedure comprises bleaching wherein the doctors use active solutions or gels that help in gaining back the white shine of your teeth. If you have a history of sensitivity, the teeth may experience temporary sensitivity post-procedure, which can be avoided if you seek professional consultation from the dentists. A properly performed bleaching process won’t result in teeth sensitivity. So, if someone tells you that teeth whitening increases sensitivity, you know what to tell them!

There is a common myth that stronger teeth whitening agents give better and rapid results. This increases the chances where people look for teeth whitening process and choose the one offering results in a shorter time. Though stronger teeth whitening agents can give you great results in a short span, there are repercussions of the same.

As discussed earlier, the teeth whitening process involves bleaching products. These products mainly contain peroxide, a chemical that whitens your teeth by interacting with the surface molecules responsible for causing stains and discoloration. If you are using the agent at higher concentrations, it can cause teeth sensitivity and gingival irritation. It can also damage the tooth enamel by altering the protein-containing dentin layer present underneath the enamel.

Every individual has a different ability to respond to the bleaching products. If your teeth are weak, then it is very common to experience issues associated with the use of strong teeth whitening agents. Also, using stronger teeth whitening agents doesn’t guarantee you results. Therefore, always prefer seeking consultation from your dentists. They will analyse your teeth and suggest mild or strong products accordingly. So, if someone tells you to use stronger whitening agents, ask them how strong are their teeth to take up such agents?

If you are looking for teeth whitening solutions, then you must have come across some suggestions for using home-based whitening products. This includes using easily available home products such as toothpaste, gels, films and food items like lemon,. This may also include products containing a high concentration of bleaching agents. Though using home-based remedies seem to be risk free, it is not true always. This is one of the common myths among people, which often leads to severe enamel damage if used without professional supervision.

According to research, the home-based teeth whitening products have increased potential of damaging tooth surface. The products interact with the enamel of teeth, degrading it and leading to roughening of the surface. Issues like demineralization, long-term damage to dental restorations, colour alterations are also common among home-based teeth whitening methods. Teeth whitening is a very intricate process that involves the application of the product in a specific manner for a stipulated time period. The technical expertise for application of teeth whitening is available only with qualified dental specialists. Therefore, it is of key importance to pay a visit to a professional dentist. Application of the products at home can have repercussions as you can live the product for too long or apply it incorrectly. So, if someone tells you that home teeth whitening products are risk free, educate them, it’s not true!

We are living in a digital era where one can find a lot of technical information at one click. However, we need to understand about segregating the information which is truly helpful. When it is about your personal health, seeking expert consultation is very crucial. So, if you are pondering to go for teeth whitening, look out for professional dentists rather than getting stuck with above-discussed myths. At Smiline, we have highly expert doctors who can guide you to know more about the teeth whitening process.

Dental Caries: Impact of Sugar and Microflora

Dental caries is one of the common complications associated with poor oral health. The condition is prevalent across all age groups, irrespective of gender, geography or demography. The term “caries” signifies both the process of the disease and its subsequent impact. This occurs majorly when the acid reacts with tooth enamel leading to degradation of the surface. The acid is produced as a result of the biochemical reactions between sugar-containing food and the bacterial biofilm (Plaque) present on the surface of the teeth.

Dental caries have multifactorial aetiology where the interplay of four key factors plays a huge role in determining the impact. This includes microflora (Bacteria), susceptible tooth surface, duration of exposure (Time), and fermentable carbohydrates (Sugar containing food). The initiation and progression of dental caries immensely depend on these four factors. However, whether it is early demineralization of the teeth to an extent of clinically detectable level or remineralisation of the lesion because of internal factors, the exposure to the amount and duration of sugar remains to be of utmost importance.


Sugar alone is not the culprit behind dental caries. It is the bacteria or microbial biofilm on teeth that majorly harm your teeth. The sugar-containing food undergoes a series of biochemical reactions post-consumption. This includes breaking down complex sugars in food into the simple ones by the enzymatic action of saliva, released from salivary glands. Apart from saliva, the bacterial microflora in the mouth also acts upon the sugar-containing food. This involves a cascade of biochemical reactions which results in the release of acid as a by-product. This acid interacts with the teeth enamel leading to subsequent demineralization. If ignored for long, the demineralization of teeth enamel results in the formation of cavities and dental caries.

Though our teeth are in a constant battle with acids and other enzymatic activities, the good thing is our body has its mechanism to face them. The damage caused by acids can be reversed by the process of remineralisation, which works constantly to fight against the demineralisation process. Here the saliva plays a key role as it contains crucial minerals like calcium and phosphates which help recover and repair the damage caused by acid metabolites. Minerals like fluoride also work upon the weakened enamel to regain the original strength. The process of demineralisation and remineralisation occurs constantly in response to our eating habits. If the former exceeds the latter, it leads to the formation of dental caries. This majorly happens when an individual has high sugar intake or bad oral hygiene. Limiting the total intake of sugar-containing food items and undertaking regular teeth check-ups can help in early detection and subsequent prevention of dental caries.

There exists various natural ways to improve your oral health. However, considering below mentioned few points can help in maintaining good oral health, keeping dental caries under check.

  • Prefer consumption of food rich in minerals, proteins, and fiber to stimulate remineralisation of the teeth.
  • To keep away the natural plaque build-up, one must eat fresh fruits & carrots more regularly. The fiber in the fruits helps in the removal of microbial biofilm from the surface of the teeth.
  • Drinking water before and after eating can help in promoting better oral health. The water intake helps in washing away the residual food particles and bacteria attached to the teeth surface.
  • Fluoride is highly effective in promoting remineralisation. Therefore, brushing your teeth with fluoride-based toothpaste twice a day can help in preventing dental caries.
  • The intake of sugar-containing food items must be avoided, particularly the sticky food items. And if done, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  • Though most people brush their teeth there is less awareness about flossing. One must prefer both brushing and flossing of teeth after every meal to flush away the particles stuck onto the teeth surface.
  • Using the right technique to brush and floss the teeth is very important in maintaining oral hygiene. If unaware of the technique, prefer visiting your dentist to get brief guidelines.
  • A regular dental check-up is very crucial to prevent dental caries. Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a regular check-up.
  • Avoid delay in the treatment of dental caries. The major reason for teeth loss due to dental caries is delay in undertaking the requisite action. If you are facing symptoms like pain, discoloration, and sensitivity then you must visit your dentist for a check-up immediately.
  • Visiting the right dentist is of key importance when it’s about your teeth. Therefore, always make sure to visit the dentist having good experience and qualifications in offering quality dental services.

Prevention of dental caries is quite challenging as the prevalence of the condition among the population is high due to ignorance of basic oral hygiene. Prolonged dental caries not only impacts the enamel of the teeth but also alters the healthy microflora. Hence, to prevent dental caries, it is crucial to maintain healthy oral hygiene and undertaking regular dental check-ups. At Smiline, we have a team of highly experienced and qualified dentists who can help you overcome dental caries. To know more about our services, feel free to get in touch with our team.


A Deeper Insight On Enamel Fluorosis

Enamel fluorosis or dental fluorosis is a disorder that is characterized by the appearance of faint white lines or streaks on the teeth. Enamel fluorosis usually occurs due to excessive consumption of fluoride over a long period while the teeth are developing. The crowns of almost all teeth are usually fully formed by 8 years of age.. The appearance of enamel in dental fluorosis is a result of hypo mineralized enamel subsurface that can lead to secondary staining.

The risk of development of enamel fluorosis is increased due to

  • Use of fluoride supplements
  • Use of topical fluorides (eg-: fluoride toothpaste)
  • Drinking fluorinated water
  • Certain mass-produced food for children contains fluoride

High levels of fluoride were reported in 230 districts of 20 states of India. In India, enamel fluorosis develops mainly due to the consumption of water containing excessive fluoride.

How Enamel Fluorosis is Diagnosed?

There are certain conditions and developmental defects that can discolour teeth. Hence an accurate diagnosis is required to differentiate between enamel fluorosis and other conditions. A dentist makes an accurate diagnosis for enamel fluorosis and the extent of it. At Smiline child dentistry, our proficient team of dentists will provide an accurate diagnosis for enamel fluorosis.

Diagnosis is usually done by visual and clinical examination. A dentist will also ask about the history and past medical conditions that can affect the teeth. A proper inspection of the tooth surface under good lighting conditions can show the irregularities of the enamel and help in the diagnosis. Gums are examined and x-rays are taken to make sure that the teeth have no cavities or defects.

Classification of Symptoms associated with Enamel Fluorosis

Questionable: The enamel had a slight anomaly from the translucency of normal enamel. A few white flecks might be observed.

Very mild: Enamel fluorosis is visible as a small opaque white patch scattered over less than 25% of the tooth surface.

Mild: The appearance of white lace-like marks on the tooth enamel. White opaque areas are also seen in the enamel but affect less than 50% area of the teeth.

Severe: Dental fluorosis appears as larger areas of discoloration, rough pits or pock-like marks on the enamel surface. If parents notice white streaks, spots or discolouration on the child’s teeth they should visit a dental clinic. At Smiline child dentistry, our doctors will give you the best advice for the treatment and prevention of enamel fluorosis.

Can Enamel Fluorosis be treated effectively?

Fluorosis can affect the appearance of the teeth. For very mild cases treatment is not necessary as the changes in the teeth are hardly visible. In many cases, fluorosis affects only back part teeth, which is not visible and hence no treatment is necessary. For mild forms of enamel fluorosis, bleaching is recommended. For moderate forms, treatment mainly includes microabrasions. The outer affected layer is abraded from the tooth surface. In severe enamel fluorosis, the appearance of the teeth can be improved significantly by techniques such as:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental crowns
  • Aesthetic Veneers

Preventive Steps to Avoid Enamel Fluorosis

As excessive fluorine causes enamel fluorosis it is necessary to know the sources of fluorine as well. If the drinking water is coming from a public system, it should be tested or the local authority can provide appropriate information about the fluoride content in the drinking water. As suggested by the WHO, the normal level of fluoride content in drinking water should be from 0.5-1.5 mg/L. For infants, the daily limit is 0.01mg/day. At Smiline, our dentists will provide the appropriate counsel on whether your child is receiving the right amount of fluorine. Some drinks and foods also contain fluorine, all these sources and increase the daily fluorine consumption leading to enamel fluorosis. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a tab on the fluorine sources.

For breastfeeding infants, human milk should be used until they are 6 months of age and then solid foods should be started while continuing breastfeeding. Children above the age of 3 years, the teeth should be brushed regularly and only a pea-sized amount of fluorinated toothpaste should be used. The brushing should be supervised by the parents and they should take care that the children do not swallow the toothpaste. In children under 6 years of age, fluoride mouth rinses should not be used. This is because many children under the age of 6 years haven’t fully developed swallowing reflexes and may swallow a large quantity.

Preventive steps are known to be very effective in overcoming enamel fluorosis issues. However, if you are unaware of these steps, seeking dentist consultation can help you in the long-term. At Smiline, our expert doctors are guiding patients across the globe for many years. We have a team of dentist having specialization in different dental treatments. Being a reputable dental hospital in the country, you are assured of getting world-class services. To know more details contact our experts, we will be happy to solve your queries.


How much do braces cost ?

Please schedule a screening appointment with an Orthodontist at Smiline dental hospital,Hyderabad. .Our braces specialist can help you to understand the various types of braces that are available and choose the most cost effective option for you..Cost of braces can vary from the type of braces like Metal braces, Invisalign ,Lingual braces. Cost of the braces will also depend on the age of the patient and length of the treatment. With Invisalign, you will receive a number of aligners to use in a specific order, that need to be changed every few weeks. The cost is determined by the number of aligners needed to achieve the right result. With traditional metal braces, the cost is driven by what the orthodontist will charge for the orthodontic treatment which include multiple visits during the time it takes to straighten his teeth over a period of one to three years.Compliance to the treatment instructions of the orthodontist will also affect the overall cost of braces treatment as repair and replacement is to be also considered. At Smiline dental hospital we offer flexible payments if one time payment does not work for you.Braces at Smiline can be more affordable than you think.

Role of Antioxidants in Dental Health Management

Antioxidants are the substances that remove the toxic compounds (oxidants) as soon as they form or repair the damage caused by the oxidants. Antioxidants can be formed inside our body or they can be taken up externally. They are critical to the body’s defence system and promote the wound-healing process.

Periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis) are infections that damage the structures around the teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. The incidence and progression of periodontal disease are related to periodontal pathogens as well as various host and environmental factors.

Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that harms the soft tissue, causes inflammation and destroys your bone that supports the teeth. It can also lead to loosening or loss of teeth. A growing body of evidence implicates oxidative stress in many human diseases and recently in periodontitis. Periodontal tissue damage is mainly caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Even if most ROS molecules have extremely short half-lives, they can cause substantial tissue damage by initiating free radical chain reactions. This damage to periodontal tissues can be prevented by antioxidants. Therefore, antioxidants have a protective effect on the periodontium and also are the best treatment for periodontitis.

anti oxidants

Antioxidants are found in a number of foods. A diet rich in antioxidants can help reduce the risk of many diseases, such as certain cancers and heart disease. They can be divided into two types based on their sources. Exogenous antioxidants are those that we get from our diet by eating antioxidant-rich foods and by taking supplements. Some well-known exogenous antioxidants are vitamins A, C, E, flavonoids, green tea catechins, minerals such as zinc and curcuminoids.

Exogenous sources

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C): Vitamin C deficiency may contribute to the severity of periodontal breakdown. The dosage recommended is 40-60 mg. The citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables are high in vitamin C.
  • Beta carotene: These molecules are known to have a positive effect on periodontitis, which is co-related to heart failure. Foods that have natural coloured pigments like dark green, yellow or orange vegetables, fruits are high in carotenes.
  • Tocopherol: The biological form of vitamin E is tocopherol. Vitamin E can help reduce diabetes and managing blood sugar, therefore, also helping to reduce periodontal problems. Plant oil, margarine, wheat germ, green and leafy vegetables contain a high amount of tocopherol.
  • Minerals: Minerals such as zinc, copper, selenium, manganese are also helpful in periodontitis, present in legumes, nuts, whole grains, green vegetables. Curcuminoids: These are found in turmeric.
  • Epigallocatechin: Polyphenols help restore vitamins and they are present in higher amounts in green tea.
  • Spirulina fusiformis: Blue-green microalgae
  • Eugenol: This substance has the most powerful antioxidant acidity and is found in cloves.

Endogenous sources

Endogenous antioxidants are made by our bodies. As they are produced by our bodies and not obtained from food sources, endogenous antioxidants are far more potent than exogenous antioxidants. Endogenous antioxidants repair all of the free radical damage by initiating cell regeneration from the inside on out, whereas, exogenous antioxidants only repair some of the free radical damage from the outside.

Why antioxidant supplementation is required?

Although exogenous antioxidants can be obtained from many food sources, in today’s world it is almost impossible to get enough of it from our diet for neutralizing all of the free radicals that are generated. This is why antioxidant supplementation is vital and various supplements are available in the form of tablets and various capsules such as Oxitard capsule. Also, the body’s production of endogenous antioxidants declines as we age. For example, your glutathione levels decline about 10-15% per decade as you grow older. The reduction in the endogenous antioxidants level is known to be a strong factor contributing to degenerative diseases and premature aging.

Antioxidants in periodontitis

Antioxidants play a vital role in the maintenance of oral health and have the potential to influence periodontal disease management. Periodontitis is a slowly progressive chronic inflammatory disorder, which generally occurs in response to an imbalance between the antioxidants and repair by ROS. If this balance is disturbed then there is cell damage and tissue destruction. Periodontal disease is also known to reduce the salivary antioxidant status and increased oxidative damage within the oral cavity. Therefore, for the prevention of this tissue damage and maintenance of optimal oral health, sufficient antioxidant levels are to be present in your diet and oral fluids.


For the prevention and treatment of periodontitis adequate daily intake of natural antioxidants, fish oils (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids), vitamin D and calcium are recommended. These vitamins support immune functions and are involved in the maintenance of tissues and other metabolic parameters specific to periodontal health.

At Smiline Dental hospital, our specialized periodontists can guide you through the more detailed information for periodontitis and the diet rich in antioxidants.

A Deeper Insight On Enamel Fluorosis

Enamel fluorosis or dental fluorosis is a disorder that is characterized by the appearance of faint white lines or streaks on the teeth. Enamel fluorosis usually occurs due to excessive consumption of fluoride over a long period while the teeth are developing. The crowns of almost all teeth are usually fully formed by 8 years of age.. The appearance of enamel in dental fluorosis is a result of hypo mineralized enamel subsurface that can lead to secondary staining.

The risk of development of enamel fluorosis is increased due to

  • Use of fluoride supplements
  • Use of topical fluorides (eg-: fluoride toothpaste)
  • Drinking fluorinated water
  • Certain mass-produced food for children contains fluoride

High levels of fluoride were reported in 230 districts of 20 states of India. In India, enamel fluorosis develops mainly due to the consumption of water containing excessive fluoride.

How Enamel Fluorosis is Diagnosed?

There are certain conditions and developmental defects that can discolour teeth. Hence an accurate diagnosis is required to differentiate between enamel fluorosis and other conditions. A dentist makes an accurate diagnosis for enamel fluorosis and the extent of it. At Smiline child dentistry, our proficient team of dentists will provide an accurate diagnosis for enamel fluorosis.

Diagnosis is usually done by visual and clinical examination. A dentist will also ask about the history and past medical conditions that can affect the teeth. A proper inspection of the tooth surface under good lighting conditions can show the irregularities of the enamel and help in the diagnosis. Gums are examined and x-rays are taken to make sure that the teeth have no cavities or defects

Classification of Symptoms associated with Enamel Fluorosis

Questionable: The enamel had a slight anomaly from the translucency of normal enamel. A few white flecks might be observed.

Very mild: Enamel fluorosis is visible as a small opaque white patch scattered over less than 25% of the tooth surface.

Mild: The appearance of white lace-like marks on the tooth enamel. White opaque areas are also seen in the enamel but affect less than 50% area of the teeth.

Severe: Dental fluorosis appears as larger areas of discoloration, rough pits or pock-like marks on the enamel surface. If parents notice white streaks, spots or discolouration on the child’s teeth they should visit a dental clinic. At Smiline child dentistry, our doctors will give you the best advice for the treatment and prevention of enamel fluorosis.

Can Enamel Fluorosis be treated effectively?

Fluorosis can affect the appearance of the teeth. For very mild cases treatment is not necessary as the changes in the teeth are hardly visible. In many cases, fluorosis affects only back part teeth, which is not visible and hence no treatment is necessary. For mild forms of enamel fluorosis, bleaching is recommended. For moderate forms, treatment mainly includes microabrasions. The outer affected layer is abraded from the tooth surface. In severe enamel fluorosis, the appearance of the teeth can be improved significantly by techniques such as:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental crowns
  • Aesthetic Veneers

Preventive Steps to Avoid Enamel Fluorosis

As excessive fluorine causes enamel fluorosis it is necessary to know the sources of fluorine as well. If the drinking water is coming from a public system, it should be tested or the local authority can provide appropriate information about the fluoride content in the drinking water. As suggested by the WHO, the normal level of fluoride content in drinking water should be from 0.5-1.5 mg/L. For infants, the daily limit is 0.01mg/day. At Smiline, our dentists will provide the appropriate counsel on whether your child is receiving the right amount of fluorine. Some drinks and foods also contain fluorine, all these sources and increase the daily fluorine consumption leading to enamel fluorosis. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a tab on the fluorine sources.

For breastfeeding infants, human milk should be used until they are 6 months of age and then solid foods should be started while continuing breastfeeding. Children above the age of 3 years, the teeth should be brushed regularly and only a pea-sized amount of fluorinated toothpaste should be used. The brushing should be supervised by the parents and they should take care that the children do not swallow the toothpaste. In children under 6 years of age, fluoride mouth rinses should not be used. This is because many children under the age of 6 years haven’t fully developed swallowing reflexes and may swallow a large quantity.

Preventive steps are known to be very effective in overcoming enamel fluorosis issues. However, if you are unaware of these steps, seeking dentist consultation can help you in the long-term. At Smiline, our expert doctors are guiding patients across the globe for many years. We have a team of dentist having specialization in different dental treatments. Being a reputable dental hospital in the country, you are assured of getting world-class services. To know more details contact our experts, we will be happy to solve your queries.


Dental Implants – To bring your smile back!

Teeth are an essential part of human life. Losing teeth can have profound effects on personal health and beauty too. Dental implants can serve as the best solution. A dental implant is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screw-like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. It's been said that they are modern dentistry’s best procedure for replacing a missing tooth. It offers the highest success rate and with proper care, they may last just as long as your natural teeth.

Dental implants may allow you to live the way you want to confidently eat, smile and speak. You can do everyday activities without worrying about your teeth

Dental implants may be an option for people who lose teeth due to injury, periodontal diseases or some other reason. A dental implant may offer a welcome alternative to bridgework or dentures that don't fit well to everyone and may offer an option when a lack of natural teeth roots doesn’t allow building denture or bridgework tooth replacements.

Dental implants are replacement root for the missing tooth and inserted into a prepared bony socket in the jaw. They are usually a titanium screw or cylinder, which can be 8-16 mm long. Implants are made up of titanium, a metal that is bio-compatible (compatible with body tissue) and bonds with the adjacent bone during healing. An attachment called an abutment is fitted to the top of the implant. The abutment forms the external connection for the new replacement teeth. The titanium surface of the implant fuses with the surrounding bone; this process is called osseointegration (can take about 3-6 months). After osseointegration, the implant is strong enough to support one or more false teeth.

In general, dental implants can be right for you if you have one or more missing teeth, a jawbone which reached full growth, adequate bone to secure the implants, have healthy oral tissues, don't have health conditions which will affect bone healing, are unwilling or unable to wear dentures, or willing to commit several months for process and don't smoke tobacco.

It serves as solid support for new teeth. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone, where it serves as the roots of missing teeth. Because the titanium in the implant’s fuses with the jawbone, the implants won't slip, make noise or cause bone damage the way fixed dentures or bridgework might. The structure of the bone beneath the replaced tooth is maintained by the implant. Chewing forces are transmitted through the implant to the bone, which stimulates the natural process of bone renewal. This helps preserve a good appearance.

Implants are a safe, well-established treatment. Implants much like the natural teeth can last for many years if properly taken care of and if the bone they are fitted to is strong and healthy.

Risks involved:

Dental implant poses some health risks which can be easily treated. It includes:

Infection at the implant site: Orthopaedic implant infections are most commonly caused by a small number of pathogenic strains, including Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococci, and Streptococci. Combinations with antibiotic prophylaxis and post-operative hygiene can be used to tackle the infection.

Damage or injury to teeth or blood vessels

Nerve damage: Around 1% of implant procedures carried out each year result in nerve injuries. Implant-related nerve injuries are typically permanent. Quality of the bone at the site of the implant can also be a factor that might contribute to nerve injuries.

Sinus problems: Sinus infection can occur with this procedure but is rare. In some cases, if a tooth implant is placed in a space lacking sufficient bone and the implant sticks up within the air cavity of sinuses, then there are increased chances of developing a sinus infection in due time.

As fixing dental implants may require one or more surgical procedures, a thorough evaluation is important to prepare for the process:

Comprehensive dental exam- Dental X-rays and 3D images will be taken by your dentist for a thorough examination.

Review of medical history- Let your dentist know any medications if you are taking including prescription and over-the-counter drugs and supplements. If you have some heart conditions or orthopedic implants, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics before surgery to help prevent infection.

Treatment plan- Specific to your situation, this plan takes into account factors such as how many teeth you need to be replaced and the condition of the jawbone and remaining teeth. To control pain, anaesthesia is given during surgery. Your dental hospital team may instruct you about what you need to eat and drink before surgery, depending on the type of anaesthesia. Smiline has expertise in implant solutions to your every problem, be it missing a single tooth or multiple teeth or a complete set of teeth.

It is usually performed in stages, with healing time given in between the procedures. It involves multiple steps, including:

  • Damaged tooth removal
  • Jawbone preparation (grafting), when needed
  • Dental implant placement
  • Bone growth and healing
  • Abutment placement
  • Artificial tooth placement

The entire process may take several months from start to finish as a major portion of time is dedicated to healing and waiting for the new bone to grow in the jaw. Depending on the situation, the specific procedure performed or the materials used, a few steps can be combined.

You may experience typical discomforts, such as pain at the implant site, swelling of the entire face or gums and minor bleeding. You may require antibiotics or pain medications after a dental implant. After each stage of surgery, you need to eat soft foods so that your surgical site heals without any problem. Typically, the surgeon will use stitches that dissolve on their own. If your stitches aren't self-dissolving, a doctor removes them. If discomfort, swelling, or any other problem gets worse in the days after surgery, contact your oral surgeon.

Recovery- The seating and fitting of the crown can take up to 2 months. Post-surgical healing may take up to 6 months. This timeframe may be different for individual cases.

Most dental implants are successful. Sometimes, the bone fails to fuse sufficiently to the metal implant. Smoking, for example, may contribute to complications and implant failure. You may help your dental work and remaining natural teeth to last longer if you:

  • Practice excellent oral hygiene. Just like your natural teeth, keep implants, artificial teeth and gum tissue clean. Specially designed brushes, like an interdental brush that slides between teeth may help clean the nooks and crannies around teeth, gums and metal posts. Water flosser is also an effective method of hygiene maintenance.
  • Avoid damaging habits. Don't chew hard items, like ice and hard candy, which may break your crowns or natural teeth. Avoid tooth-staining tobacco and caffeine products.
  • Schedule regular follow-ups – Essential for monitoring your progress and proper functioning of implants. If properly cared for, it may remain in place for a lifetime.

Our Smiline Dental Hospital in Hyderabad is well implemented with world-class infrastructure, which possesses the latest technology in quality dental implant treatment.

Smiline Dental Hospitals are one of the pioneers in practicing Implant Dentistry in South India. With the help of the highly proficient team of implant dentists, we have rehabilitated thousands of patients with dental implants in Hyderabad.

Smiline periodontists are the dental experts who specialize in these areas, they are ideal members of the dental implant team of smiling. Our periodontists not only have experience working with other dental professionals, but they also have special knowledge, training, and facilities that you need to have teeth that look and feel like your own. Smiline dentists and periodontists work together to make your dreams come true.


Anxiety and pain free dentistry

Are you afraid of seeing a dentist or the idea of going to the dentist making you feel very anxious ? You are not alone.

Many people experience this.Mostly fear builds up due to prior bad experiences with another dentist or general fear of a dental setting through social conditioning. Fear and anxiety together drive the individual to avoid the necessary dental treatments.Avoiding the dental treatment can lead to serious consequences to dental healthcare and lower quality of life.

At Smiline dental hospital,your comfort is our priority!

One of our top priorities at Smiline, is to make sure you are comfortable throughout the treatment, including making your experience as pain-free as possible.To start with we acknowledge and assess the scale of your dental anxiety so that we can develop a plan that will ensure comfortable treatment and the best outcome.We always explain patients whatever steps we are going to perform which helps in them staying calm. To combat the anxiety we can offer different forms of anesthesia. Apart from its use in dental anxiety, conscious sedation is also used in cases such as a severe gag reflex, limited opening, and mental or physical limitations. Our team of doctors and support staff at Smiline can provide the care you need in a dental setting that makes you feel most comfortable and pain free.

Types of Sedation

For a pain free experience we offer a few different levels of sedation.The mildest form is an oral anxiolytic medicine, prescribed before your appointment. As the name implies,Oral anxiolytic medications decrease anxiety, helping you relax and feel comfortable before you visit us.You may need someone to drive you home after the procedure.

Next option is sedation with laughing gas.This kind of sedation works very quickly to help you relax during the procedure and wears off soon enough after your appointment that you can drive yourself home.

The third possibility is oral conscious sedation, which will give you a deeper, pain-free experience during your procedure. As with oral anxiolytic medicines, you will need someone to drive you home after the treatment.

Local anesthesia is the commonest pain alleviation method offered by dentists during a dental procedure. The numbing effects of the local anesthesia are limited to the area around the treatment area and can last up to a few hours after the procedure.

Finally, there is Intravenous sedation, a dental sedation offered by a trained dental specialist.Here ,you will be sedated for the entire duration of your dental treatment.You will not remember the event, and hence, completely pain-free. You need to arrange for someone to pick you up after the procedure.

Dental anxiety needn’t hamper your dental treatment needs.Here is how.

If dental anxiety or fear of past painful treatment has been stopping you from getting the required dental procedure done, please reach out to us.Team Smiline can address your concerns with the different kinds of sedation we offer and carefully devise a pain free treatment plan. We always strive to make our patients feel at home! Experience pain free treatments at Smiline!

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